To Serve with Love ...remembering my dearest Grandmother
She was synonymous of the word love , as most grandchildren think their grandparents to be . But she was different to most . Her poise , grace and how she viewed life were all unique. I can still feel her warm lap, her hand on my head to raise it for me to sip my milk, being bathed by her before dawn on cold winter days of Delhi and the most heartwarming for me was to be fed by her...she knew all my favourite dishes and would call me always when she would cook them to taste them...I miss her . We all do .
There was one thing I learnt from her was her ability to serve with love. Her food was full of this special ingredient ....and it made it very special.

She would always call me when luchi's and halwa was prepared in her kitchen .... Luchi is fried bread made with maida or white flour ....delicious comfort food with her trade mark suji ka halwa(semolina pudding) which no one makes it better!. She would even love the spicy chole bhature (spiced chickpeas and puffed fried bread) and would often ask my mom to order it from a small shop in the community nearby .
Nowadays I don't cook anything from white flour but today ...I thought of her...
Today I served luchis, halwa , chole ....with love and do hope that ingredient was far dominant today ....

Luchi's with halwa and chole
Deep fried bread with semolina pudding and spiced chickpeas

1 cup all purpose flour , maida
1 tblsp ghee
ghee or oil for frying
To Prepare
1. Mix ghee with the flour , ghee and salt with 1-2 tblsp of water with a spatula in a bowl .
2. Knead to a smooth and soft dough with more water.
3. Cover the dough with a moist cloth for half and hour.
4. Roll lemon sized balls and roll flat taking a bit of oil on it .
5. Roll to a thin disc and fry in a kadai or wok in hot oil.
6. When the bread puffs up , remove and drain on a kitchen towel.
Enjoy with Halwa and chole....( recipes are on the blog)